London Rehabilitation Workers Forum
Yes or No SCA?


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This page is for those in the visual impairment field to air their views about the Social Care Association, are they the right organisation for Rehabilitation Workers?

Social Care Association Website

We would like to give you a chance to share your views and experiences about joining a professional body. As you are aware there are mixed opinions about this subject and there has never been a real space to vent them.

Click Here, to send your opinions.

You can air your views by emailing us here at LRVF and we will post them at the bottom of this page. Your comments can be positive or negative but please, keep them sensible.

Click either of the two boxes below to say, 'Yes' or 'No' to the SCA. Click your choice, then press submit, wait a moment and end by hitting clear.

Smilie Face

Yes, SCA is right for Rehab.

Toilet, Opening & Closing Lid

No, SCA is wrong for Rehab.

Result of SCA 'right or wrong for Rehab' vote. 

31st October 2002

Yes 18% No 82% approx. 

Prior to the SCA conference in mid November 2001, the vote was something like: No 90% Yes 10% and around May time 2002 it was 50-50. The SCA vote page will be updated again in three months time.

Views about the SCA.

In my experience, there is nothing more difficult than setting up a successful
and organised group from nothing. You must be absolutely clear what you want to
achieve and that is extremely difficult as our
members will be from disparate
areas around the country with their own ideas based on their own experience. To
get concensus under these circumstances and suitable committee members would
prove very difficult.

A much easier route is to embrace the opportunity to have some say in SCA
proceedings and then once we have some idea of how their group is structured,
organised and financed, we can, in years to come, break away from the SCA if
they are missing our fundemental aims and
objectives. It would be the forum
under which we could get together and discuss our ideas openly and get a
consensus. We may also get the opportunity to influence a wider audience and
find people with a proven track record in their involvement within the SCA, to
'guide' the group if it becomes autonomous. Could we not get SCA to agree to a
sub-section under their 'umbrella' influence?

From other people's comments it would appear that the SCA do at least have an
understanding of our field of work and that is
very rare. Clearly the whole concept needs a lot of discussion but I shall encourage NERO (The N.E. Rehabilitation Officers group) to ask the SCA to talk at our October meeting and put these points to them and I would suggest that other regional groups do the
same. I would say on balance, there has to be more in favour of a 'Yes' vote but
the jury is still out!

Martin Borrill
Social Worker (VI)
Co Durham S/svces

I was one of the many who had reservations (to say the least) about the SCA being the right organisation for us. However, having attended the conference, i have changed my mind. The conference included issues such as registration of workers, BD8 changes, New National Standard as well as the normal topics. Many of these issues take forever (if ever) to filter through to RW's. I thought the SCA demonstrated a genuine understanding and commitment to our field. They have also been efficient in the organisation of the conference and with their administration/responses. Beverley Stowers RW Greenwich.

Click Here, to send your opinions.

LRWF, at the centre of the field of vision.